Wet Mesic Garden Nearly Complete

The newest plant addition to Gilman Park Arboretum is the Wet Mesic Garden, located in the southeast corner of the area.  It was originally planned to be a wetland garden, but the designation seemed to be a misnomer during the recent drought.  The area can be very wet, sometimes with standing water, but during recent years it hasn’t looked at all like a “wetland.”  Hence, the name “Wet Mesic” which is defined as “excessively wet in winter, spring, and after heavy rain, but often dries in summer.” This garden will be a demonstration plot for plants that will withstand very wet soils, and still flourish.  There are presently four species of trees, five shrubs and 16 different perennials planted in the garden. More perennials will be planted in 2008 to finish the project.

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Reader Comments

I found your website today, what a great Arboretum you have! My family and I are going to stop at your Arboretum this summer to check it out. I’am an avid home perennial flower grower, so I can’t wait to see what you have. Your town should be proud! Thank you Mary Matney

Wow, I am impressed and cannot wait until next year when I plan to attend my class reunion and visit this beautiful park that I remember as a child. Thank you Gary for making this a very wonderful place to see and visit.

Awesome, Gary !! Who would have thought when the arboretum was being started that you would take it to this level! It has been great fun to see this develop from the beginning to what it is now! Excellent work and Pierce can be proud to have the most complete and extensive arboretum in the area! Steve

Can you provide me with an address for Gilman Park?
Thank you.

The physical address for Gilman Park is 200 N. Mill St. The mailing address is City of Pierce, 106 S. First St, Pierce, NE 68767